868MHz receiver for sensitive edge contact
Receiver for 868MHz sensitive edge contact transmitters with the possibility of storing up to 6 transmitters.
Grease in tube for automatism repair 125g
Specific grease for repairing automatisms. Used when internal gears of electromechanical operators need to be replaced. 125g tube.
REFLEX photocell with reflector
Retroreflective photocell kit with anti-condensation accessory, up to 12 m.
Pair of miniature photocells
Pair of small photocells for special applications with little space available.
Specific release for gates, wheels and hinges
Specific unblocker for gates and hinges, very effective, cleaning action.
Anti-glare cover for REFLEX reflector
Anti-reflective cover for round reflector of the REFLEX retro-reflective photocell.
Grease spray for automatisms
Silicone spray grease specific for gate automations, hinges, shutter guides, up-and-over and sectional guides.
Anti-glare cover for REFLEX reflector
Anti-reflective cover for rectangular retroreflector of the REFLEX retroreflective photocell.
Universal column for aluminum photocells
Aluminium column with ABS base and cap height 50 cm.
Reflector for photocell REFLEX
Reflectors of different shapes depending on the flow rate you want to achieve with the REFLEX photocell