Transformer for operators D600 - 525 - 530 - 531EM
FAAC transformer for D600 - 525 - 530 - 531EM operators.
Barrier spring 620 diam. Wire 4.5 mm
Compensation spring for road barrier model 620. Spring normally installed on rods up to 2.2 meters max.
Barrier spring 640 diam. 9 mm wire
Compensation spring for road barrier model 640. Spring normally installed on rods between 5 and 6.7 meters in length.
Complete by-pass screw 402, 640, 760
Complete brass by-pass screw for 400, 402, 640, 760 operators of the FAAC
Rear fork for 402 and 400
Rear fork without screws, pins or bolts for operators 400-402-413-415-S418 from FAAC